This week has been such a good week! We were super busy.. it almost felt like we had no time to rest! Which is a good sign in missionary work(:
We have a baptism this week and we are so excited for it! It is one of our less-actives kids. Well 2 of them. But they come to church every Sunday and they don't miss an activity. Even though the mom isn't active, it is amazing the testimony the kids have of this gospel. They are definitely the light in her life, and hopefully through her example they can bring her back! Haha(: But we are going over tonight for the baptism interview, and the mom was super excited so that is exciting!!(: While we were teaching them this week, her other 2 daughters moved back in, and they have sat in on our lessons and have been really interested, so hopefully that is a good sign too!!(:
We got another new investigator from a less active this week again!(: I can't believe how many less-actives have children not baptized here! But thats ok!(: I LOVE teaching the children! Because we get to teach so simply and so easy for her to understand! I love it! Her name is Shivneshni and she is 9 years old.. She is this little Indian girl who is ADORABLE! This week she taught me how to do an Indian Dance...(: Pictures will come! Haha(:
We did have one depressing day this week though. One of our investigators dropped us... haha! Well his mom did. She is mad at someone in the church so she said her family isn't coming to church anymore and no one in her family is getting baptized../: Some times I wonder..Why do people have their agency?! haha(: As a missionary it sucks! But I guess thats why God gave it to us!
Anyways, right after that we had such a good lesson with another investigator... who later that night called us and dropped us too... but we aren't letting him go that easy because he has been progressing SO GOOD! Like he had been keeping commitments and doing all we ask him! STUPID SATAN!!! But we are hoping that we are going to be able to win him back with the spirit and help him recognize how true this gospel is and how much he needs it in his life!!(:
I did get to see Sister Ihaka this week and it was SO SO SO good! I can't even tell you how much I missed her! Seeing her and Gina just made me feel so much better and it was exactly what I needed!(: I can't wait for you guys to come and meet them both! They are both just AMAZING people!
I seriously CANNOT wait for you guys to come and visit all these people and meet these amazing people! This place is so amazing and the gospel is SO TRUE! I love sharing the gospel. And hitting my 9 MONTH MARK made me realize that one day I am going to have to take this name tag off.... I am going to be normal again.. I AM TERRIFIED! haha! Can you believe 9 months?! I can't believe it! before we know it, I will be at a year.. and then 15 months... and then I'll be calling you at Christmas saying "see you guys in 3 weeks!" AHHH!!! Time goes by so fast! I just can't believe it! I kinda freak out all the time about it! haha!
Well I am SO SO SO glad you guys have had a good week! I am so happy to hear you guys are busy and LOVIN LIFE!(: I love hearing all about the little things you guys are doing and the little adventures you go on! I am so happy I have a family who gets to stay together FOREVERRRRR... (imagine the Sandlot line(: )! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! I LOVE YOU ALL! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! Make sure you keep doing your family home evening and family prayer. The LITTLE things matter most(:
-Sister Courtney Rich