Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas from Fiji!!

Well let me just start by saying that I can't believe it is almost Christmas! It doesn't feel like it because it is hotter than hot and the only Christmas decorations are the ones in the store for the tourists!  But, the one thing that makes it feel like Christmas is the fact that I get to talk to you in 3 days!!!! I CANNOT WAIT! I think I talk about it to almost everyone like every day! So I think it is safe to say, I am just as excited as you guys are to see all your BEAUTIFUL smiling faces on Christmas!!(: 

Well lets see.. this week has been another enduring one! We were able to OYM (open your mouth) to ALOT of people, and we were able to get a lot of return appointments for this week! So we were able to get 5 new investigators this week!!!(: YAY!! Best Christmas present!  So, I will start from the beginning of my week again! 

Monday: Nothing really happened! We just deep cleaned our apartment! Then we had family home evening at the Mataitogas house! I taught the lesson! It was actually a cool lesson and I was kinda proud of myself...(: haha but I got an orange and a bucket of water. I talked about the armor of God and said when you have the armor of God on you are like this orange, you can stay afloat in the water. But as soon as you take off the armor (the peel) You will sink. It was a pretty cool lesson! Then I gave all the kids a orange!(: They loved it! haha 

Tuesday: I GOT A PACKAGE!!! Haha not from you guys though.. I got it from Sister Lewis! It was so cute! She sent me pretzel M&M's, YUMMY! and she sent me burts bees!!! I was SO excited! I haven't gotten your packages yet... and i wont get it until next Monday! But its okay! Getting to talk to you guys on Christmas is the best present I could ask for! But, anyways! We had an appointment with an OYM, so we went back and she wants to take lessons... YAY! It was awesome! 

Wednesday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!(: I hope you got my Happy Birthday from Ana! Haha(: I was thinking of you all day long! Can't believe you're 21! WEIRD, you're getting old. haha 
anyways, we went and visited a less active member we found last week while we were aimlessly walking around. haha! So we went back and visited her and she is so awesome! She is this old lady who is like in her 50's and she completely forgot about the gospel! So me and Sister Jonathan are reteaching her! We are teaching her as an investigator, who doesn't need to get baptized! Haha she is awesome! Then we were walking to another appointment and it started pouring! Not just like raining, but POURING! and we got to our investigators house and we were soaking wet! Then it was thundering and lightening! And let me just tell you, I have never experienced thunder that loud and lightening that close! I was SO SCARED! You have no idea!! I was so scared and so was sister Jonathan! So we just went home and stayed there the rest of the evening! good thing it was our last appointment and she wasn't even there! So we were good to go home! haha(: 

Thursday:We went to Ana's for service in the morning! We helped her do laundry!!(: Then made Lolo buns again!(: SO YUMMY!! Then we went to Nawaka and saw some less actives who said they were thinking of changing their church! It seriously breaks my heart when I hear people say that! Because even though i've never questioned this gospel or this church, up until I came on my mission, I honestly believe myself when I say "I know this church is true"! I've always known it was true, but now I really know! And when I hear that people are questioning it, it makes me so sad! We were able to talk them into not changing churches and coming to church on sunday! We were pretty excited, but then...... they didn't come to church...! I was so sad!!! And almost cried! haha! It just makes me sad to see people question what they KNOW is true! Especially since i know it is true! I just want everyone to know its true! 

Friday: We went to another return OYM apt. It was with someone the missionary actually have taught before! It was so good and another new investigator!(: YAY! Then we went to see a referral from the Elders! They have been teaching her and she is such a good investigator! She just wont come to church! So that has been our focus this week on her! CHURCH! She is a mother of 5 and her husband is an alcoholic! He comes home from work drunk all the time! So the Elders are working with the husband and were working on the wife! She is readt to get baptized, but she needs to come to church!!! So hopefully me and sister jonathan will be able to work on that!!(: it rained again today! And it was Liti, our recent converts birthday! So I made her brownies(: She LOVED them! Especially since they dont get to eat things like that that often so it was so fun to see all the kids faces light up when I gave them the brownies and they were SO EXCITED to eat them!!(: 

Saturday: We walked and walked and walked... haha We had appointments everywhere it felt like!  We got 3 new investigators today though!!!(: YAYYYY!!!! It was so fun, tiring, and exhausting, in every way you could think of! I came home and slept right away! haha but it was such a good day!(: 

Sunday: Church was AWESOME! We were able to watch the Christmas program! IT WAS SO GOOD! I was crying! We had investigators there and it was so awesome! She was crying and her husband who came with her said he loved church too! It was such a good day! Then we had a really good lesson with their kids who couldn't come to church today.. But we went to go and see them and it was such a good lesson on the Atonement! It is amazing how the spirit works, because we didn't really know what we were going to talk about.. we went in and just did a follow up on their reading and instead we went and taught about the Atonement and found out all the things that is stopping them from getting baptized! We were able to listen to the spirit and ask the right questions! It was awesome!(: Then we ended our week with ice cream for dinner(: I would say a pretty successful Sunday!(:

That is pretty much it for this week! I can't believe it is almost Christmas! It is amazing the spirit I can feel! The birth of that little tiny baby was the start of it all and it brings the spirit! Just like in the talk from the Christmas, what happens next? What are you going to do next?(: How are you going to use the Spirit of Christmas in your life? I hope you all have such an AMAZING Christmas! Don't forget the real reason of it and don't forget all that our Savior, Redeemer, and Brother, Jesus Christ, has done for us!(: Have Such a MERRY MERRY Christmas!!♥

and.. Merry Christmas from Fiji!(: 
xoxo Sister Rich

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